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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

6 signs of sensitive skin

There are many people with sensitive skin and many people still don’t know that they have sensitive skin. Because the symptoms they experience make them think that it’s just dry skin or acne. As a result, many people with sensitive skin don’t take care of

Symptoms of writing disorder

Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder in the learning disorder group that can affect both children and adults. It causes problems in writing, such as arranging letters incorrectly, writing letters together or spacing incorrectly, being unable to spell, being unable to express thoughts in writing, or

Why do farts smell so bad?

Farting or farts smell is cause by gas that builds up in the digestive system due to the body’s process of breaking down food into energy, eating certain foods that cause a lot of gas, or swallowing air that occurs when chewing food, breathing, smoking,

Advantages of removing tartar from teeth.

Tartar or medically known as salivary stones is an oral health problem that is close at hand and many people often neglect to have their tartar scaled done regularly every year. But did you know that this can become a long-term oral health problem such as gingivitis, swollen gums and periodontal

How to types of memory loss impact on your life.

How to types of memory loss impact on your life.completely cured. Cases that can be completely cure are usually due to infections that cause brain inflammation, brain tumors, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which tend to be treat so that the brain can

What is the Terrible Three?

The 3-year-old period, also known as the “Terrible Three,” is a developmental stage that continues from the 2-year-old period, but is more severe. Children will display defiant behaviors, be willful, cry easily, be easily angered, and throw tantrums, which can be very confusing and frustrating for parents.

10 brain-boosting foods that help your child’s development

Many types of food that are easy to find contain nutrients that are necessary for the development of your child’s brain. They also help to enhance intelligence and memory according to development at each stage of life. Good brain-nourishing foods are as follows:  1. Salmon