Advantages of removing tartar from teeth.

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Tartar or medically known as salivary stones is an oral health problem that is close at hand and many people often neglect to have their tartar scaled done regularly every year. But did you know that this can become a long-term oral health problem such as gingivitis, swollen gums and periodontal disease in the mouth. In addition, it also causes bad breath and can negatively affect the image of your smile and teeth.

Advantages of tartar removal

  • Enhance your personality and have confidence in smiling and talking.
  • Reduces the formation of plaque and tartar, which is one cause of oral health problems.
  • Helps extend the life of our teeth.
  • Have white, clear teeth without yellow stains.
  • Reduce the occurrence of periodontal disease such as   swollen and red gums, gingivitis, pus, receding gums, tooth decay, and tooth root inflammation.

Dental Scaling is the removal of tartar that stuck on the teeth and in the gaps between the teeth with dental instruments. Sometimes, the doctor may use a tartar scaling device with high-frequency waves (Ultrasonic Scaler) แทงบอล UFABET ราคาดีที่สุด ไม่มีขั้นต่ำ to remove tartar. This is because using high-frequency waves causes less blood loss, swelling, and pain than using regular dental instruments. You can receive this service at a clinic near your home. It is done, you can go home immediately.

Some people are afraid of having their teeth scale, mainly because they are afraid of the pain and the money spent. But did you know that letting tartar build up on your teeth for a long time can cause other problems in your mouth? 

If you ask if you can skip having your teeth scale, the answer is yes. But the best thing to do is to have your teeth scaled, for your own good oral health. Because if you leave it untreated, it can lead to periodontal disease, and worse, you may have to have that tooth extracted.