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Benefits of effective sleep.

Sleep is as important to life as eating well. and breathing clean air It has been noticed that we humans spend up to 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Sleep is a time when various organs of the body, especially the cardiovascular system, are at rest. Because our body lies

Coconut water and testosterone.

Regarding sex hormones, coconut water contains estradiol and very little testosterone. Compared to sex hormones that are produced in the human body. But there is research on the effects of consuming on the reproductive system. It was found that coconut water can have an effect on Stimulates the endocrine

Foods that fight colon cancer that you should consume.

Colon cancer or what is often called. Colon cancer It is considered to be the most common type of cancer. Worldwide, deaths from cancer are increasing every year. Even though this disease is life-threatening. You can reduce your risk of developing the disease in many ways. Legumes such as soybeans,